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Emotions are part of life

Saturday, May 31, 2008


posted by Justin @ 11:23 PM  
Wei Lin's Quiz


#1. If your lover betray you, what would your reaction be?
I will ask her why is she doing so to break our feelings.

#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Score well and get in to VJC!

#3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

#4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Buy a house for my son/daughter, save some for their future use.

#5. What's your ideal lover like?
True in feelings?

#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved?

#7. How long do you intend to wait for some you really love?
As long as it can be til she's attached.

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Faint! Nah joking. Let natural take it's course.

#9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Not really in my life yet...

#10. Name the one thing that floats in and out of your mind.
What are we going to do tomorrow? XP

#11. What takes you down the fastest?
Lonely at home..

#12. How do you see yourself in ten year's time?
Studying hard to achieve my goal!

#13. Who is currently most important to you?

#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Easily infected by highness MUAHAHA humorous and funny!

#15. Would you rather be single&rich or married&poor?
Married&poor lah! at least you will be happy with life witt ya loved one XP

#16. What's the first thing you do every morning?
Look at the time XP

#17. Would you give all in a relationship?
Er, see if that person worth me doinq so.

#18.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
To clarify who I really love

#19. What type of person you hate?
Extraordinary thick-skin, extra in everything de person.

The 8 persons who will be tagged are:
Jun Yong~
Guang Jun~
Wei Qiang~
Shang Ge~

Friday, May 30, 2008

Back from shopping so tired!

posted by Justin @ 8:43 PM  
Went shopping today!@.@
Actually not really shopping lahs~
This morning went for breakfast then my parents have stuffs to do.
Soon after they finished we went home left our stuffs at home. Then nothing do.
So went shopping cos there are discounts for clothes and big big strawberries! XP
Hmm, came back with 2 clothes!
So crowded lahs
Though today is not a weekend and no holiday for Hong Kong yet,
I do wonder why still so many people de zzz
Then bang here bang there so idioitic!
Thats the only thing I hate going shopping in HK.
Ma fan luhs~
Tomorrow weekend le! Prepared to hide at home hahas~
Okay I go chat le~


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Quiz! Wow? hehe

posted by Justin @ 9:50 PM  
1.Jun yong

2.Wei Qiang

3.Wei Lin





8.Guang Jun

9.Jia Li

10.Nicholas Tay


12.Zi Hao


14.An Ting


16.Jonathan Hoong

17.Nigel Tay

18.Deon Sim

19.Russel Tan

20.Jeremy Chew


How did you meet 14?
Anting-Er...we became friends as it spread out from guys in TKPS when I came in? Hahas

What would you do if you never met 1?
Jun Yong-I will regret not finding such a suitable person to chat with ^^

What if 9 and 20 dated?
Jiali&Jeremy Chew-Wait until they meet each other 1st lahs. Hahas.XO

Will 6 and 17 date?
Klinsmann&Nigel Tay-They not gays lahs!

Describe 3.
Wei Lin-Very humorous! Quiite talkative I supposed? Since she seems to like to tok on the fone verii often. XP

Describe 7.
Aaron-Erm...sometimes go crazy de...XP

Do you know any of 12's family members?
Zi hao-YES! HIS BRO! Verii 'ma fan' one. His sis I only saw her once when I visited Liu Lao Shi hehes!

What would you do if 18 confesses to you that he/she likes you?
Deon Sim-I will simply say, I like you too then vomit. He's getting nowadaes sick so ya, joke =.=''

Who is 9 going out with?
Jiali-No idea XP

How old is 16?
Jonathan Hoong-Kay hong! 13! MUAHAHA

When is the last time you spoke to 13?
Meredith-About last month? XPP

Who is 2's favourite band/singer?
Ahh man, I cannot even name out 10 singers =.=''

Would you ever date 4?
Adeline-OF COS NOT! She is 'attached' keke!

Would you ever date 1?
Jun Yong-NAH. Both of us are MAN. MUAHAHAHA ahh hahaha hehe=.=''

Is 19 single?
Russel Tan-Seriously, yah.

Would you ever be in a relationship with 11?

School of 3?
Wei Lin-Anglican High

Where does 6 live?
Klinsmann-Exact address i don't know. But is opposite Adeline's house. ah..aiya. duno zzz

What is you favourite thing of 5?
Jane-Very humorous, and really nice to chat with sometimes. And she love cats too!

Have you seen 2 naked?
Wei Qiang-NO NO NO!

Next 5 person to do this survey:
Jun Yong
Guang Jun

Saturday, May 24, 2008


posted by Justin @ 1:40 PM  
Posting for what happened yesterday XP
Yesterday, I went for class outing!
We went bowling! So much fun!
Then, Mrs Lim told us that class comm need to be there by 1.
I was late XDDD
Ya then reached there at 1.15 with Deon, Jonah, Jonathan Hoong and Russel.
Took the escalator up and saw something like a pet shop!
Then we went in and had a look.
There were two "fake" rabbits in a cage lah!
Deon and Jonathan Hoong thought that it was real!
At first I did too, til I had a closer look tsktsk~
But no time le so we quickly looked for the place.
Didn't know that Kallang Leisure Park is something like shopping mall =.=''
Ya soon we found the place le, then a while later En Quan say Mrs Lim tell us
wait for her at 7Eleven
So we did for about half an hour,
And we saw Darwish come down and he told us that Mrs Lim is already up there!
Wonder how she went in when we didn't see her =.=''
Anyway, we played 2 games luh.
1st game is warm up and 2nd game is serious de.
And guess what? I did better in my warm up then my actual de.
Warm I got 90+
Actual I got 60+
Anyway still won group 3rd place!
So after the outing, some of us still playing.
I played another game with Deon, Jonathan Hoong and Jonah.
Mrs Lim, Miss Boey and Jonah's mum were behind us.
That game make me "angry"
Cos I got 123!
If i got that score for my actual I will have more prizes!
HEHES anyway having fun is most important luh!
Mrs Lim told Jonah that she is kidnapping his mum to the food court.
Hahas very funny.
Later after the game ended I played another with Siddarth and LongHui.
Very fun luh!
Ya then went home le.
At night wanted to conference but all busy watching television
Madam slept! WOW!
So read doraemon comics for 1 hr til 11 then slept luh!
Ya aniiwae changed blogskin!
Hahas too bored!

See yahs~,

Monday, May 19, 2008

posted by Justin @ 1:58 PM  
Last Friday went to watch a play at night!
Although got some sick scenes, I think that the play is really nice and funny!
The only bad point boud it is that we are watching for homework =.=''
The play was until like....11?
Then I went home with Elliot and Long Hui.
Halfway I went into Mc'Donald buy apple pie XP
A while later we walking pass traffic light.
Then Long Hui turned back and talk to us.
And suddenly he shoutedd "OH SHIT! 36 IS COMING! FOLLOWED BY 16!"
People at the opposite heard and started laughing at him cos he sprint after he shout ==
Then Elliot and I jus ran after him LAWL
ya then chased up and took bus 36.
Reach home like so late le.
Then go sleep le loh? MUAHAHA
Okay I go watch funny videos in youtube le

Chiong ah~,

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Misson possible!

posted by Justin @ 2:12 PM  
1. Why do you think you are born for?
To make my family proud, to bring happiness to loved ones.

2.What do you want the most?
To make steady progress in my studies ^^

3.Do you believe in afterlife?
Not really >< sometime =".="">

4.Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Of course!

5.When do you wish to die?
When I have finished what i want to accomplish in life

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
I only saw it once in my 14 years!!

7.What impossible things you would wish for?
A peaceful and anti-problems life

8.Do you believe in eternity love?
Not quite at this age XPP

9.Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
NAH! Save this question for handsome and preeties!

10.What feeling do you love the most?
Happiness and joyful?

11.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Must be true to me..

12.What feeling do you hate the most?

13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Almost every? Hehes!

14.Is there anything you are looking foward to in the next few weeks?
YES! Class bowling&ESCAPE AND CYCLING with my best pals!

15.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

16.Who do you hope to be always there for you?
My love ones? Like dad and mum? ^^ Won't eleborate further XP

17.Do you find life meaningless?
Sometimes...but not so often?

18.Who do you love the most?
Ah family lah..frens lah....don't say the rest lah! MUAHAHAHA

19.What do you love the most that your stead did to you?
Hmm...errmm......ahhh....don't kehpo can? XPP jkjk!

20.Who do you treasure the most?
Currently is Jun Yong lah...you all might think "wad!!!" but cos the person i actually treasured the most is...erhem erhem so my mind is turned by him..=.=''
Oh, and my best pals too!!

Instructions: Remove 1 of the questions from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all. Here it goes... add this question in, "if you were given a choice between friends and love, which will you pick?"
For me, friends luh..^^

Jun Yong (;
Guang Jun (;
Klinsmann (:
Wei Qiang (;
Aaron (;
Wei Lin (;
Adelynn (;
Jane (;

Saturday, May 10, 2008


posted by Justin @ 5:42 PM  
Just back from PP XD
Went there with bro looked for Jane and her bro who are taking lunch!
Yum yum yum hahas!
Aniiwae, they eating ice "kajiang" duno how spell luhs hehes.
Then they talk and laugh, talk and laugh.
So funny!
After that went shopping around.
1st went into a "game shop"?
Inside got all the game discs and stuffs.
Then Jane started talking chim games le.
I got no idea about it zzz
Saw DJ max 2!
And the price is....$76
Ahhaahaha so "cheap"
My foot ah!
In pspiso also cannot find it
haiz forget it...
OKAY then went up to Time Zone!
Saw people playing the "tv roller coaster" thingy.
Last tym wanted to play with Zi Heng but spoiled zzz
Hahas looks so fun but that tym Wq sae boring o.o?
Then walk in....
people playing the drum thingy and dancing game
Not much interest though.
Especially the slow-motion drum thing.
Turned and started walking out! Ah guess wad..
We stood there and looked at people playing the shooting game.
Shoot weird-disgusting looking 'human monsters'
Thats how i describe it HEHE
no offence to human dudes!
Jus stood there
Then walked out and took escalator till the bottom,
and suddenly!!!
Jane and her bro seperated into two diff paths
I looked at Jane's bro and he pointed to Jane
So i just...ya?
Then Jane was buying hair clip I think?
Didn't really take a good look ah has.
Then talk talk talk walk walk walk
Reach the "book shop"!
Went in n Jane saw Garfield book!
Haha she immediately took it out of the messy books on the trolley.
So funny lah she.
Then I took and read one of the pages.
Really funny XPPP
Jane cannot find her bro in the shop so called him
And he was actually in the movie section.
We walk and saw him luh.
Then we oso saw "supernatural" thingy and..
it was stated as NC16/M18 duno lahs.
Then my bro tell me say Jane broke the law =.=''
Then her bro said that time his fren sit at a corner "watch movie" for duno about
7 hours or around there.
WOW how amazing that can be...
Jane teased is his galfren
And she said "who so unlucky to be aimed by him"
Then i said "Not confirm leh. If the gal is willing to then not counted."
Then i didn't hear what Jane said next
But i added in "unless that gal is forced to." XPP
Ya then walk walk walk n Jane was talking to me about sth..
Then I looked up and saw Wan Lin looking at me n laughed.
after that she walked away.
I tell Jane boud it then she *zoom*
Flew away
then the three of us folo at the back LAWL!
ya after the conversation we left for home.
We seperated at the road in front of the bus stop.
Then walked home loh
okae stop here will post again soon ah ^^

Reported by,


posted by Justin @ 10:33 AM  
Good morning!
Yesterday went back tkps again! *3 tyms in a row*
Then finally we played 3 little pigs!
AH so fun lahs!
Then 1st round they complain say we bully
Then 2nd round i cnt even rmb hu were the catchers eh...heheh
And we had a VIP frm AHS ytd!
They sort of lyk lie to Wei Kang saeing that is a she?
And Wei Kang got tricked?
I dun reali noe luh ><
Ah we also played multiples in the "playround" in the basketball court!
funny luh before that we were jus climbing around inside there.
Then later play play play then started talking.
I put my hand on the seat of the see-saw thiny when Sabrina sitting on the other side.
Then i put my head on my hand.
guess wad? Sabrina go and stand up and i fell down halfway O.O
Imagine how "cool" that can be muahahahas
Then the gals said they go drink water later meet in quadrangle.
But a while later onii, Sabrina asked go play blind mice.
In the end became cat and fish
Got one round Addy and Aaron come out so funny
Addy reach there then squad(duno how spell) there,
and Aaron ran one round around him then took the bottle
Then Addy daydream!
So funny lah!
Wq laugh til "dead" the floor HAHAS!
Then later security come tell us must leave le
What a pity.
But we went Jalan n played crocodile!
Ahh then later Klins and I left le then duno followed by who lah.
But heard that they played til 7 and someone got nagged at
Okae lah dun angry horh XD


Saturday, May 3, 2008


posted by Justin @ 8:07 PM  
Here are the signs~

<: - Friends
<<: - Good friends
<<<: - Pals!!!!
^^ - Pals who sms loads and chat loads in conference!
!!!!! - God-family
XDDDDDD - For fun lahs

Note: the ! beside my bro name is not he in my gof family horh XD

Yesterdaty was fun fun fun!

posted by Justin @ 8:16 AM  
Good monring world!
Yeah a very good morning..
Let's talk about what happened yestarday!
You guys will not believe what i said....
what happened was worse then theft...
worse than a murder case....
IT IS.......
Nth more than going back to pri sch *tada*
BOO!!!*people throw rotten eggs*
Okay okay no more lame jokes ke~keke
Aniway, we went back n played games!*duh...*
We played survivor! AAH
Miss is so much then yesterday finally get to play again tsk tsk..
!st round-Wei Lin and I were the catchers
Counted 30s before starting*DUH~*
N next is...chiong ah!!!!
Jkjk never chiong luhs!
Just walk walk a while then got target le then run hahas!
1st caught was CK *if i didn't rmb wrongly*
Followed by Klins.
Then Adelynn and the rest i forgot how they got caught le
AH hahhhha =.=''
Then rest a while....
After that played 3 little pigs.
But the gals went toilet halfway through.
Then soon Sab duwan play le.
Zi hao walk to playground n sit down and tok
So Klins turn his face*translate to chinese is fan nian* XDD
Then *fastfoward*
2nd round-ALS!
He go and bet $2 if he can catch all of us =.=
But didn't seems it succeeded hahas!
Later *fastfoward*....
All seated at the red thing at the rock climbing there
talk talk talk then suggested playing the number game..
Then Addy got one round go say childish game..
And that round he died. AH HAHAHA
Okay not funny.
At home!
Night time!
What you expect?
conference of cos!
Gj, Wei Lin (loyal customer), Madam, Zihao(a while).
Gj say he leg itchy
Cus he too long nvr play survivior or three little pigs le
Then later talk boud this talk about that
Then Gj and Zihao went off.
Zi hao go watch D Gray man =.=''
Duno wad so nice boud it.
Then madam n weilin we tok tok tok
then tok tok tok again...
reaching 1 o'clock le.
Thats when it ended. Then sleep le loh~
stop here luh will post again soon XD

Craps of,

Thursday, May 1, 2008


posted by Justin @ 11:23 AM  
Gd morning!
Yesterdat niight had conference!
A long and enjoyable one!
Jane and Weilin so funny.
The minute Jane call,
they started *ya..biiliibalabiiliibala"
Then Jane's voice was don't know why, projected so high
that it hurts our ears!
HAHAS!! @.@
Then later they stopped le, we started talking about DJ max.
I canoot find DJ max 2 in pspiso!!!
GRR.........So frustrated!
Become tomato face le! Ahla jk nia XD
Lata, Madam called!
Then as usual, I joined the call without telling them.
But Adelynn didn't talk, so i said "hello~?"
And Madam like always, "HUH!?"
Funny ah she! XDDD
Before that, Jane also complained about o2jam (my) closing down
without informing us 1st!
Cos she have cash inside!
Still got cash card oso!
o2jam fault lahMy savings of GEM also wasted. T.T
one more funny thing
My dad remembered WeiLin and cannot remember Zi hao!
HAHAS!Okay go practise DJ max le!
*I then dun wan lose neh!* XP
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