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Emotions are part of life

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

posted by Justin @ 4:59 PM  
Yes I change blogskin again.
This one is even simpler.
And i would say it's not so laggy.

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posted by Justin @ 3:04 PM  
Bad day
New house stink
Think new room smaller
Feel that old house better
No choice still, contract signed alrdy
Must live in that stinky dirty house
Hope that it'll be better after guardian cleaned
Then still can manage to ren lol
If not seriously will faint man
The old house rocks la
The New house sucks
So sian sia
Bye bye!
(the numbers are sth related to the post format) HAHAHAHA

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:22 PM  
Today is a day at home again. haha!
Play gbc advance and PSP at home.
Still feel bored.
Until 2.30 my guardian say i can play com o.o
It is considered a miracle, I would say. hehe
Besides Pet Society I found another game in facebook.
Called Mafia Wars.
Although they say is do duno what crime jobs, fighting wan,
it only requires clicking on buttons =.=''
And you train your Mafia like playing pokemon like that LOL
Okay gonna go back to mafia.
So long!


Monday, October 27, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:42 PM  
Although everyone will be in the same class most likely, guess I'll still dedicate sth haha! Especially to the teachers. xD

Jonathan Ang - Sometimes you get on my nerves >< But near the end of the year your character changed haha. You were a great beggar actor! So funny [=

Aravind - Talk more next year. So quiet that i can't believe what i heard, cos there was nth. xD

Benjamin - One thing la. Your body language is really damn "enthu". Thanks for helping me take the video of "middle finger fight" the other time! Maths pro!

Darren - Help me say hi to your tutor yea? XD

Darwish - Control your emotions in PE? World is really small, still managed to meet up with you after two years! It's cool!

Daryl - Er....nice friend i would say. About your gfs, I hope that you will stop talking about them and asking me for opinions all the time. I get annoyed when you talked too much of that, cos it's not my business, neither am I a professional for you to consult to. thanks ^^

Deon - Another CO camp would be fun, having a cow sleeping with us. HAHA too bad i din manage too attend the one this year, but I definitely would next year!

Hansel - Too fluent that you cannot even act to speak broken eng? PRO. Hope that you can be better prefect next year! [=

Iskandar - Racies! Haha i act as one too [=

Jacob - Grow up! Stop being chidish and being irritating. ^^

Jeremy - CO rock! haha, don't tell me 1st day of sch next year you are gonna adjust my CO badge again. xD

Joel - "Cool" introduction i got the whole class to do for you isn't it? haha jkjk

Jonah - Korea kimchi ichiban! LOL spasm kiddo thanks for giving me the spasm getting dao pok video [=

Jonas - You better be monitor again next year. Thank you for your cute style of "keep quiet". It rocks. HAHA

Jonathan Hoong - Well, you shall not be pissed off for the next 2 mth. But you shall when sch's back! Thanks for all the lab lessons. Had fun yea?

Kenneth - Your chicken head hair style in the beginning of the year rocked the class! TOP HAIRSTYLE haha

Kian Meng - It's a really nice year with sakura around. Next time I shall bring dead fishes for you to revive LOL

Kokul - Your "nicky tay!" is super funny. But "tintay" is rude! hahas jkjk. Be monitor next year! You're great!!

Lip Sing - Bragger! War ends here yea? Congratulation to you of your high score. You want brag again next year? [=

Long Hui - you changed ^^

Lucas - Nice time talking in cantonese with you! How you score so well when you are always drawing cars during lessons? Buck up next year and beat jeremy! (sorry la jeremy haa xD)

Mikail - One of the racies club kings ah. Yellow, brown, or what? Thanks for the racies jokes! But dun say those often ^^

Ming En - you are gay man. In terms of your love in rubrics cube. GAY but impressive haha! Dun emo la come on. [=

Nicholas Lim - Bus-ing home with you is sth to enjoy. But don't always pull my bag to bus with you when i need to rush home! taha!

Nicholas Tay - AWESOME! You've been one of the best joker in my life! But I think Sandeep's more funny xD Thanks for all the jokes man! I'll love to hear more jokes or see more funny things you can do! Oh, dun show that disgusting thing that you can do with your leg to me. You might want to get a plastic bag with you. It's a really enjoyable year in the same class as you. See you next year dude!

Nikhil - Stop shouting and you will be a nicer person to talk to. Stop using so much vulgar and you will be a better students to the teachers. Stop smuggling and your name will appear less often in the "Death Note". Stop all the bad things and you are perfect! ^^

Nurdin - It was fun banging with you. Haha 1F teachers came in rmb? xDD Sorry for flicking that bottle cap at you, but i supposed you does not have standing up and body slam me? And start kicking me and punching me? You want to play, don't get rough. anw, you are a nice guy [=

Renda - Bang table war! Let's fight again next year in the 1st week like we did this year xD

Renjie - Mrs Chow! You are not that smelly actually. (of cos la, he is acting as Mrs Chow nia)

Russel - Old Major. Eh I still don't think Runescape (sth like that i think) is fun [=

Shuai Chen - Hold the next olympic la? BEIJING! HAH! I still haven buy new moon yet T.T Wei Quan is fast.

Siddarth - Moon walker darth vaider. You will be sure to rock on the stage!

Spencer - Not that I take everything very seriously. I believe that I love to joke n prank too. But not over the limit. Sometimes you'll just get over the limit. But that did bring some laughter to the class i guess (=

Timothy - Grats for scoring high in maths! It was really unexpected. Not that I look down on you, but i tot Ben Chia would have been the one. xD

Wei Ming - Change your sitting "leg positioning". It is really too funny for everyone to hold their laughter, and i know you don't like it.

Wei Quan - NEW MOON! Next year i buy you full moon. LOL if there is such a book in the Twilight series xP


posted by Justin @ 5:33 PM  
Hello [=
Today's a day of frustration.
That moron xD
So damn noisy.
You think you big ah, throw whatever you dun wan to me.
Anw, here inviting every reader to www.facebook.com
Sign up!
It's really fun ^^
If you signed up, I'll suggest you to a game called "Pet Society"
It rocks!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

posted by Justin @ 2:38 PM  
Bad afternoon
Hahas neighbour shouting.
On the right the owner shouts on the phone.
On sch days, the girl living on the left scream at her grandma(duno or what) in the morning
Think she mei you jia jiao.
Got one time saw her back from sch.
Once she reached the hse door, straightaway shout, "quick la! So slow!!"
She think her ah ma can predict that she coming back ag =.=''
Today guardian nag this nag that.
Mafan xD
Tuesday moving house le!
One block away only. =.=''
Gonna miss mimi =(

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Friday, October 24, 2008

posted by Justin @ 1:40 PM  
My results Sucks!!
Maths:57(C5) T.T
History:51.7(C6) T.T
Combine dun wan la. Messy.
Maths:69(B3) "AHH"
Home Econ:71(A2)
Visual arts:74(A2)"GAHHH"
Sucks right.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

posted by Justin @ 4:30 PM  
Today watched Transformers!
It's nicer than I thought!
The part I love the most is the transformation process.
Hahas the hi-jacker damn funny.
"Damn it" and then it go knock its head against the wall haha!
Anyway after the movie, went back to class.
BORING nth to do sia.
Smsed, chatted, GAH~!
And finally sch's over.
Go home liao so damn bored.
Hahas thats all today.
Nth much x.x

Saturday, October 18, 2008

posted by Justin @ 4:56 PM  
Arlow! [=
Today's CO prac is over!
hahas now back at home go crazy ah
Yesterday watched I Am Legend different version.
Not nice de leh.
The ending supposed to be the guy bomb everyone including himself de
The different version is return the infected woman LOL
Then the infected siao kia just scream and scream then go off.
Crappy sia where got legend here.
Survivor only xDD
Gah, today earned another blister.
A cool one, it's red in colour (somehow)
Index finger de blister "pop" haha! Used plaster to wrap it and continue prac.
Cannot play that loud, still feel a little bit pain.
Kenneth and Calvin late LOL
At the end of the prac Chairman asked ppl who are late to stand up.
But Kenneth left early (heng ah he)
Today that idiotic cello didn't come.
Nth much to laugh at xPP
I'm evil!!
Hahas prac liao took bus home luh.
Meredith mei cheer up!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

posted by Justin @ 8:30 PM  
Konbanwa [=
Today sch is boring. Crap sia.
Know what, go sch assem. alrdy then receive CCA report slip.
After that was 9 alrdy.
Wanna guessed what we did
Sat at the field and watch ppl play soccer til 1.05.
How "cool" can that be?
You can nvr imagine man.
Might as well stay at home.
And since CCA resume got CO prac,
Can come to sch only in the noon de mah.
Then morning can slp long long.
Anw, CO prac damn funny today.
1st half kept talking to seniors.
Ask alot of questions on studies then dragged training. HAHA
Soon can rest le went down to the canteen.
Saw "Fat Cello".
He giving us that "undescribable" smirk on his face ==
See le wan vomit.
We spotted him hahas then after break go back practise loh.
Of cos, he can't escape (if he was trying to)
Then sectional leader sabo him xDD
Thats why I like today (sry la. But he really qian bian)
Tell him play a part of the jiu ge (we all know that he most probably can't)
We kept laughing la.
He's damn idiotic I must say.
He alrdy cannot play little part of jiu ge le (although the rhythm is easy)
Then got one part of the 2nd part of training we all chatting.
And he took out his hp duno smsing or playing games.
WTH sia he.
Got time dun wan to practise 1st.
Not scared later senior test him again ah.
Then call ppl noob and act pro.
Now chuang huo liao his problem.
Okay okay enough of the evils today.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

posted by Justin @ 2:10 PM  
Today's a boring day.
I had almost nth to do AT ALL in the morning.
Play gameboy.
One hour changed duno how many games.
Then walk around the hse in rounds.
Exam over le why cannot use com in the morning sia.
Just dun get it.
Only in the noon can use.
Also not for long (if she's at home)
Today not at home la.
Can huat haha!
Planned to go Tampines Mall shop de.
Hao rain bu rain pian pian jing tian rain.
Must wait luh.
Maybe weekend go see.
Aiya blabla la.
See 1st hahas~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:57 PM  
Greetings [=
Examination is finally over.
Don't dare see my maths result la.
Already lost abt 20 marks.
Hate you. LOL
Today and tomorrow can stay at home.
Today exam for bahasa indonesia(duno how spell luh)
So no need go!
Then tmr sch marking day.
No need go!
But thursday resume CCA.
So fast sia.
Super rush-for-time.
Supposed is for the SYF next yr.
Haiyo tot can rest like a pig do.
hahas now dream on le la.
Okay that's all for today.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:55 PM  
Super tired.
Was play Call Of Duty 2 on xbox just now.
Then the chapter I playing the back part very dark.
Damn it I kept turning and turning to look for the correct direction
Now having headache.
So my bro and I switched.
I use com, he play.
Muahahaha later he also headache I laugh
Tsk evil me
But maybe he will not get headache
Sometimes he dun no matter how much he turn (in the game)
Weirdo taha!
okay that about it for today.
Tmr exam, night burn oil le!
Lawls (like i will) xD

Saturday, October 4, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:37 PM  
Good afternoon!
Got so many chinese practise paper.
yeah man!
Frankly speaking, 3 only la.
No confidence in it zzz
Then eng, sian.
Hate memorising the formal letter format.
Can't really remember evne the informal one zzz
Tiring lah.
Still glad that my enf file got formal letter format.
But dun have informal de.
Mati liao zzz
Next whole week exam sia.
Til the week after on Monday is the last one.
But over can huat le.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:42 PM  
AHH! A day to rest taha!
But no doubt, still need to revise zzz
After it is over can go crazy MUAHAHAHA
Damn and listening for HCL only 5/10 sia!
Duno wad is wrong with me
Compo for CA2A got 53/70.
Hope can get even higher in SA2 hehe!
Pull up for my listening xDD
Nth much today luh.
Later gotta go have a hair cut.
Super long le x.x
Dun cut later tio meh ><
Okay that's all.
Will update again.