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Emotions are part of life

Monday, November 24, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:08 PM  
Back home!
Went to the aviary in the Hong Kong park today.
The aviary was cool! [=
Some pictures n videos.
The videos i suggest you wait patiently or move it urself to find some with the birds.

Okay it seems that the video can't be uploaded.
What a pity! gah...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:19 PM  
What boring day man
Today went hiking was fun, and tiring of cos.
My bro keep chionging =.=''
But night...stupid la my bro.
Idiotic sia we were playing poker cards happily then my bro everytime scold vulgar.
Correct or wrong also scold.
Now he still scolding my dad =.=
He is angry cos he played a wrong card so every1 knew what he had for his last card.
Stupid right, then he scold some vulgar that is meant to scold someone's mum.
Shall not reveal it. x.x
Now my dad so angry want us sleep at 10.30 z.z''
He's damn spastic can.
I dun think i can find anyone else in this world more stupid.
Whether in studies or adaptation to one's normal lifestyle.
Good la, now he made my dad so angry, he threw the cards at him now got some missing.
It's a very nice set! T.T

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Friday, November 21, 2008

posted by Justin @ 9:21 PM  
Hello [=
Just woke up from about an hour sleep.
Because my dad was using the com, my bro had been playing the PS2.
So bored that i decided to lay on the bed for a while and,
Gah pig la me hahaha! xD
OKAY talk about today.
Morning woke up go wash up.
Come out alrdy walked to kitchen and said to mother "Ma, today i rest ah"
Then walked off to my sleeping room and on com!
Haha and then my bro decided to rest for the day too. Hah
Tio influenced. Taha! XP
Morning eat Marcaroni(duno how spell) haha eat le continue with playing com.
Then later my mum need to go out for business.
So played com, then sometimes switched with my bro play PS2. haha.
Noon ate dumpling! Delicious~
Dad told us keep everything le going out.
So quickly keep and changed.
But after we changed he said that we will go out a while later.
GRRR should have let us play a while more! XD
Okay soom mum came back, and we set off. (=
On the road dad n mum quarreled =.= over sth damn not important.
But a while okay alrdy o.o
Always quarrel over trivial matters zzz
Ate sth at Mc'Donald le, decided that we will have dinner at home.
So off to the market we go! And we bought er....
Potatoes, eggs, pork, a fish, some vegetables.
Dad cooked today, not by himself la. With mum of cos.
N we played in the room again.
Play til dinner ready go eat loh.
Too many potatoes le la got quite a lot left. Then mum tell me clear. So, cleared LOL
Ya after that was what happened, how i ended up falling asleep. [=
Haha thats all for today, sleep early!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

posted by Justin @ 8:34 PM  
Sad case man.
My parents are currently damn angry with my grandparents.
I think they changed my name without their permission under sth.
Not much idea ><
But they are damn stubborn.
They asked my parents for permission.
And my parents were against it.
YET they still go n change on their own.
Idiots right.
Nth much today, whole day play PS2 Naruto haha!
Have an early night! [=

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

posted by Justin @ 11:02 PM  
Haiz today dad came back frm Jakarta. [=
Lol....not la. =.=''
Okay my eyes are dry like dao pok!
Grr...didn't do much today.
Whole day play PSP, then com, then PSP, then com again.
Tmr can play PS2 muahahah!
Ok that's about all for today.
Hah sad man!
Lol have an early night!(although it's not early anymore)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:57 AM  
Is it my computer got problem or blogger changed?
There is no button for me to press that will allow the post to be posted in the middle!!
Anyway, am in hk now.
yea man can post alrdy!!
okay will do the changes according to some awesome guy haha.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:24 PM  
So sorry ppls.
I moved house, so I am unable to use Internet yet since there isn't any.
I will post in hk though xD
Hope next year when i am back, internet will be available at home.
Then I wun have to go about all the places for a internet cafe man.
So troublesome haha!
Anw, main point is, I won't be posting often.
But i'll drop by to tag as often as possible.
went play with frens on wed.
Morning meet up in kopitiam 1st.
Well, Jane, I'm so gonna kill you one day.
After everyone meet le, bused to E-hub!
Go play bowling hehe
Okay 1st round was like so dead man..
1st round total of at least 10 gutter?!? =.=''
Then Jane and Weilin started to !@#$%@#@$%!#@
Frankly speaking, i dun understand what they talking ><>
Then I tried what Wei lin said.
OKAY, it at least hit.
Then I was like wondering how come my shots in the beginning all miss and miss and miss one?
Think and think and think.
Realise i'm damn slow in stupid.
I didn't bend my leg when releasing the ball =.=
So i ended up moving my body to one side for the ball not to drop on the floor and roll,
which caused the throw to go the the left all the time then go into the "long-gan" LOL
Okay la Jane, my apologies for breaking your "At least I beat you Justin"
MUAHAHAHA okokok jkjkjkjkjk
After bowling, some of the girls bought duno whatever that is.
Marshmellows? think so xD
Then go watched the coffin instead of HMS.
It became a comedy due to the crowd's reaction man
Scary scenes r meant to be scary.
But on that particular occasion, it's so damn nice.
Not that it is scary enough, but everyone made fun of it.
Soon Klins, ck n i join in, made stupid noises.
Turned to look at Wei Lin a few times (8/9) and she was either covering ears or covering eyes.
after movie go cycle to pasiris park!
Wa damn fun sia the turning thingy(i will describe as blue ULO[unidentified land object]
Made some of them stucked "in the air"
Okay then played the firefox thingy(according to what they said, that is what it's called)
Klins n ck, poor thing.
I flung them!!! MUAHAHAHA
Got once ck almost fell off.
Guess it was too much xDDD
Then girls, ck n Klins went jumping on black patches (sry i duno all the names xD)
Then i layed on the thick strings, quite comfortable, but dirty.
Not like i cared, since i was damn tired. xDD
Klins and ck also go try out the slide thingy
It's still the same, you need to slide down by yourself.
Or you will just be stucked up there LOL
Soon, time's up and we gotta go.
Cycled back
So thirsty man, bought water.
Some of the others did too, and Adeline was unlucky.
She drop the bottle, and the bottom "exploded"
Bused home luh.
On the bus so squeezy!
And the bus is so slow.
So tired on the bus man.
Half sleeping on the way xDD