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Emotions are part of life

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:11 PM  
Oh WELL!!!
Hols over..
Tmr gonna go back to Singapore.
I still have no idea whether I have internet connection at that place.
And, the blogskin I saved to change, it's gone zzz
Darn, can't stand it!!!
Hope 2009 will be a good year [=

Friday, December 26, 2008

posted by Justin @ 7:08 PM  
Okay! The following stuffs are belated lol
Merry Christmas Adeline!
Merry Christmas Aaron!
Merry Christmas Ann!
Merry Christmas AnTing!
Merry Christmas Cheryl!
Merry Christmas Clara!
Merry Christmas Cynthia!
Merry Christmas Deon!
Merry Christmas Esther!
Merry Christmas Evangeline!
Merry Christmas Gj!
Merry Christmas Hao Ran!
Merry Christmas Hui Nee!
Merry Christmas Jacob!
Merry Christmas Jane!
Merry Christmas Jasmin!
Merry Christmas Jeslyn!
Merry Christmas Jia Li!
Merry Christmas Jun Yong!
Merry Christmas Klinsmann!
Merry Christmas Lyn!
Merry Christmas Meredith!
Merry Chrisrmas Michelle!
Merry Christmas Nick!
Merry Christmas Nigel!
Merry Christmas Shang Ge!
Merry Christmas Tuhu!
Merry Christmas Wei Lin!
Merry Christmas Wq!
Merry Christmas Yi Wen!
Merry Christmas Zoey!


posted by Justin @ 2:01 PM  
Wth, I seriously hate my dad's parents n grandparents.
They are like thieves stealing everything they want.
One of the culprit is my dad's grandma.
I understand that she is old, so it can't be helped.
But she is not an idiot, nor a disabled who can't speak.
Mum was boiling some soup for us (my dad, my bro, me, herself)
The ingredients used aren't cheap.
My parents dun cook it when my brother and I are not back.
I dun hope for them to spend so much buying all that but they jus say,
that it is good for us, nutritional, and that we are growing, can absorb more than usual.
So what happened was, sometimes, she is hungry and she simply walks to the kitchen.
She saw that soup, and she took one of the ingredients used (edible).
Well, I'm not trying to say that I am so selfish to hate her for eating.
I dun like to eat it very much, but neither is that the case.
Today, 9plus am, she cooked food to eat for breakfast although we bought bread.
At around 10.45 am, we eat breakfast, and it is not so good for us not to count her in so..
Then around 12 plus am, we have light lunch, soup noodles.
IT IS not so good not to count her in (again) so....
Just now, around 1.50pm, yea she took the edible stuff (the expensive one somemore) to,
eat like i said just now.
What, it's ok that she eat.
But can she ask us 1st?
It's not the 1st time alrdy.
I really hate it.
If she ask, we will not say no.
But why must she steal.
Oh god, we are her grandchildren and "grandchildren's children".
We will bully her is it?!?!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:38 AM  
Good morning [=
Will be going to cousin's place to play later in the noon til night.
Yes man xDD
So, tmr then post, bye!! ^^

Saturday, December 20, 2008

posted by Justin @ 6:02 PM  
Konbanwa [=
Went to a game exhibition ytd.
Haha it wasn't as crowded as expected.
I took two photos thats all =.=''

Big big scree, introducing new games!

Some Kunais. LOL rather fake. [=
Out of the 7 to 8 psp games that were stated "new",
2 were downloaded alrdy.
4 were seen in the net alrdy.
Lol, so it wasn't that great i think.

Monday, December 15, 2008

posted by Justin @ 9:48 PM  
Okay, back to home!
Went to a brand items sale exhibition.
Here I have to warn everyone something.
Hk's exhibition is definitely sth more than Singapore ones.
Not on the positive site, but the negative.
Here's some pictures taken with much effort not to let my phone drop xD

Super crowded zzz

I really hate squeeze places.

It's shiny. LOL

Finally some place that isnt't so crowded..

Hah, all buying food!

Yea, really crowded.

Everyone is filled with the intention to "kill" people. (push)
Well, it's really annoying.

posted by Justin @ 12:51 PM  
Good afternoon.
Haiz, these few days, nth la.
Maybe going to another part of China, maybe not.
Will interfere my dad from working mah haha.
Anyway, learned a few tricks on HTML codes.
Quite fun.
Maybe I m not studying law.
Considering computer tech.
Haha, dunno yet.
Still a long way to go.
The "Victoria Street" is long! xD
Anyway, that's it.
Will update again when there's sth new to haha [=

Thursday, December 11, 2008

posted by Justin @ 12:31 PM  
Few days nvr update lol
Play Harvest Moon =.=''
Past few days read 2 books.
Yea nice combination isn't it *bhb la! Rotten eggs for u*
Oh thanks.
Well, nth much nowadays actually.
Parents rather busy with business.
It's not that good hah.
I guess the whole world is affected? lol
Actually, the whole world is. Lol
Downloaded the "Twilight" movie.
Rather disappointing.
The movie is 1hr53mins long.
But compared to reading the book, the movie like cut alot of scenes.
Just a while and it reaches the part where Edward pushes the van, and a little more,
he brought Bella home, etc etc.
Not as detailed as book.
But the movie still nice la [=

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

posted by Justin @ 9:16 AM  
Post "for" my grandfather(father side)'s sister, an ignorant idiot in hk currently.
Who says that I do not have the right to say anything abt what happened back there?
You think only adults like you(pls, u ah ma liao) are correct?
You are so simple-minded.
And you go around say ppl are talking with no sense.
What wu li qu nao.
You are the one, u understand that?
You are spastic.
We make a little bit of noise n u shout at us.
Next morning you talk to me like nth happened, giving me that idiotic look for your face.
I actually can't be bothered to ans u.
But I tot i should respect you too.
And u talked to me abt chem, u act like u know everything.
In fact, everything u said were craps.
You think you know much?
Every morning u also talk so much, make so much noises.
We also nvr shout at u.
We didn't even tell u to keep quiet or what.
What, just now u are talking abt you are trying to get the right respect from us?
Did YOU respect us?
What can u expect when you aren't respect us when we did?
And u are arguing that we didn't respect u as an elder.
To hell with all your craps, we don't need to respect u.
I can tell u, i have nvr met any adults in singapore that says to a child "It's not ur turn to talk here".
They are all more reasonable than you.
Retarded sia u.

Done with it.
Okay it's still in the morning so...nth to post yet xDDDD
I'll see if i have time to post later in the night.
Am going to visit my baby cousin again later~
He's so cute xDD

Friday, December 5, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:58 AM  
Okay post abt ytd n 2 days ago.
Haha go celebrate mum bday I forgot to take pics again zzz
Go buffet then nth alrdy.
Haha, sing and listen to songs LOL!!
My mum slept there o.o!!
Got some funny Cantonese songs la. xD

One of the decorated tree I saw that night, rather nice!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

posted by Justin @ 11:37 AM  
Good morning!
Here to update some photos.
Went bbq a few days ago!

Lol my cousin put it in this order o.o

A nice view, taken when i was cycling xD

And another view!

The island i am pointing at is the island my cousin n i cycled from! See the bridge? it's 6600m long o.o

Another pic with my cousin, can see the bridge too! taken back to the island that we have bbq.

Some cute cats found!!

More cats!!

Sunet, nice? [=

Night still bbq-ing XDD

Okay after that went home lo.
So tired that day xD

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:35 AM  
Another quiz from Tuhu mei.

How stupid are you
[ ] You have tripped a couple of times
[x] You were looking for a certain object then you realized it was on your hand
[x] You have been hit by a ball in the head
[ ] You have failed in P.E. class
[ ] You have been electrocuted
[x] You have been called STUPID

[x] You keep on forgetting what you are about to say
[ ] You've worn your clothes upside down a couple of times
[ ] You swim then you realize that you're losing breath
[x] You opened the fridge instead of opening the cupboard
[ ] You thought Ricky Martin is straight.
[ ] You laughed and laughed then you choked

[ ] It will take you more than 10 seconds before you realize that a joke is either funny or not
[x]Your keyboard is black, the lights are turned off and it's dark. You still tend to type
[ ] You have no idea what an Xbox is
[ ] You don't know how multiply works
[ ] You kept writing but later you've noticed that you do not know what you're writing.

[ ] You know you're the only one in the class who has that name and yet you ask the question: who, me?
[x]You don't know what he/she is talking about and yet, you still say YEAH.
[ ] You don't know what's the difference between BOMBAIS and MUSLIMS
[ ] You were about to go out from your house when you felt that you have no underwear
[ ] You forgot to wear your shoes

[ ] You don't know where you live.
[x] You only know about 1/4 of the roads in your city
[ ] You don't know a single element
[ ] You don't know what an iPod is
[x] You see a sign that says don't touch but you still touch it.

[ ] You do not know what your name means
[ ] You don't have an idea what sims are
[x] You don't know what NEWS means
[x] You fell of your chair
[ ] You fight with someone, but you don't know what you're fighting about.

[ ] You still don't know if a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable
[ ] You don't hear a thing when someone is shouting at you
[ ] You say what and huh a lot
[ ] You’re using a calculator to see your score in this test


Now, take that number and multiply it by 3!

Tag 5 person to do this:
Hao Ran
Wei Qiang
Nicholas Tay

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

posted by Justin @ 10:14 PM  
A long enough quiz from Tuhu Mei!

Quiz one

1. When was the last time you were praised?
Well....2 days ago [=

2. When was the last time you laughed?
A few secs ago xDD

3. When was the last time you cried?
"nong nong ago".

4. When was the last time you went out with your friends?
Sadly on er...alamak what is the date of the bowling thingy? ><''

5. Have you ever received a present from someone of the opposite gender?
Yes, nice ones haha!

6. Have you ever fell out of your bed when you were sleeping?
I even flew off my bed before. LOL jkjk xD yes

7. When did you last saw your best friend?
Can't even rmb..actually, best fren, i can't really determine who is ><

8. Post a picture of yourself.
Can i not ><''

Quiz Two

1) Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
Not really. My parents are quite against it. But i dun think they can do anything abt it xDD

2) Describe yourself in one word.
Weird [=

3) Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
The one i love of cos.

4) Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?
Er, considered yes?

5) Does it feel good to love?
It depends.

6) What's the best thing to do with the one you love?
Hmm, maybe spend every day happily with her? o.o

7) What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
Forget it if u dun believe me. I can't force u to, anyway.

8) Was there ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
Er, considered yes once again.

9) What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
Maybe they shld get envious instead LOL jkjk. depends.

10 ) What would you say to playboys/playgirls?
Off u go. Shoo LOL

[[ * PART 2 * ]]

1) Best place to cry?
Somewhere quiet.

2) Who do you love the most?
My family n my beloved frens [=

3) Tell us about your dream last night?
Omg, i dreamt of myself getting another haircut although i just got one when i came back. And then i planned to get another cut again before going back. It messed up then i awoke =.=

4) Ever hated someone so bad?

5)The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
Secret ><

Who was the last one:

-you went to the movies with?
Tuhu Mei, Madam, Klins, Ck, Jia Li, Jane (=

-you talked on the cell phone with?
Er...I think..it was...my mum o.o

-you hugged?
My mum when i came back lol!

-you yelled at?
My bro xD

In the last week have you:

~Kissed someone?

~Danced crazy?
I realised i have been nowadays xDD

Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?
My bro went off in the shopping mall by himself n made me tot he was missing

If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?
Wish there's no troubles in this world!

Adeline(when she opens the blog)