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Emotions are part of life

Sunday, June 29, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:58 PM  
Okay continue!
Todae did nth much but hwk, nap and plae PSP!
Then evening told to go NTUC help carry stuffs hoho~
Guardian tell my bro and I to wait upstairs for her.
Cos she want to buy 4D hahas!
I want buy! jkjk wasting money
Then we waited for so long.
Suddenly Adelynn appeared o.o
Then I just said hello!
Aftet that then saw her following someone
Is her dad *OMG*
Hahas didn't really see his face LOL
Then before that oso got a stranger come and ask me why the phone cnt cor or sms.
So I took a look.
And it seems that she put her fone in Flight Mode XD
Hahas so no prob le loh!
Okay soon guardian came up le.
Go and buy things WOOHOO~~!
Okay I slided around KEKE
Yup and then we went home!
And I'm here now hehe
okay gtg le buh byes~~


posted by Justin @ 5:34 PM  
From Wei Lin~

A. People who have benn tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B. Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom tagged they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What do you think an ideal best friend would be like?
-Understanding, friendly, , kind, and a true friend!

2. If you would have a dream come true, what would it be?
-Er, private.

3. Who's life would you want to take away the most?
-Not anyone..

4. What do you crave for the most currently?

5. Do you like quizzes?
-Certainly! But really busii sometimes zzz

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
-Sry the me now duno how ans

7. Can you whistle?
-Sort of luh ><

8. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

9. Do you believe in ghosts?
-Nope no interest either XP

10. If the person you like secretly is already attached, what would you do?
-I can't even do anything though that person is not, so I dun bother to ans ><

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
-Studying hard for my dream..

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
-I'm not sure myself...but some super good friends are!

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
-Loves talking! Though she have n ulcer right now.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
-Married but poor lah!!

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
-After opening my eyes, i look at the phone XPP

16. What does your favourite kind of shampoo smells like?
-BangSai! Joking lahs XPP No fav shampoo de

17. How would you rate the perfection of your life right now?

18. What type of people do you hate?
-Erm, action and super thick skin for real de ppl?

10 peoples tagged!!
-Jun Yong
-Guang Jun
-Jia Li
-anii one else interested! ^^

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Past Few Days

posted by Justin @ 8:54 PM  
Past few days went to the Hong Kong Jockey Club!
Got park so took some pics.

The view when we just go into the park. Actaully not park. Is the path where the horses races.
Just that the surrounding like park and also available for ppl to walk around XPP

A view near the basketball court. Quiite big sia!

Hahas. 800 metres before the ending point! *gallop*

Today went to the real park at Causeway Bay!
the insect on the trees so noisy sia! Later let ue all see. *Get ready a plastic bag*


Okay obviously it's disgusting..think English is called Cricket ah? Or wad? Duno sia ><
So will post again real soon!
Don't miss it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mr Ang!

posted by Justin @ 11:42 PM  
YOYO! Today went out with Mr Ang and his college.(forgot how spell ><) Okay~! Here are 2 pictures!!
Lol both holding umbrella cux raiining actually..

Then no rain le X.X

okay. He treat dinner again ><
He sae "Wait til you grow up le, earn money then treat me to a sumptious meal."
Hahas he is still as humorous as ever!

Okay so we went somewhere opposite of time square of Causeway Bay!
We actuallie went to the wrong restaurant but his principal sae that restaurant not bad oso!
So we still took our dinner over there~
Ordered fish, eggplant and e chicken!
So funny lahs.
When the chicken is served, Mr Ang and Miss Jessy(duno how spell luh ><) ask,
"Your mum got tell you don't eat chicken anot?"
X.X Cos in the news got mention that some chickens in hk got diseases.
Scared we will be affected.
But in the end still finished almost everything hahas!
We talked about some of the ppl.
Guang Jun, Wei Qiang, Wei Kang, Klinsmann, WEI XIANG(SPECIAL), ADELYNN AND WEILIN(SPECIAL), Jia Li, Jane.
Mr Ang asked whether Wei Kang changed to a better boii.
Honestly I not much idea. Dun reali see him often.
Klinsmann, Mr Ang still remembered him as fruit head HAHAHAS
Adelynn and Wei Lin ah, pro lahs. He rmb them as "The two gals who always stick together one."
Wei Xiang ah, wa long talk sia.
We was eating dessert then he suddenly remember the Wei Xiang whom he pulled the shirt.
Before that when taking dinner he messed up witt Wang Xiang hahas!
Okay then he told his college how Wei Xiang was so ma fan that he too angry,
then go pull his shirt.
Then he go do the "not happy" de face that Wei Xiang gave last tym,
then I almost spit everything out ><
Cos his face was super funny lahs!
Then also mentioned that Wei Xiang got 99/100 for geog.
He was like "WOW".. hahas!
Ya so we talked a lot...
Then after we finished the dessert le I still talking with Mr Ang,
and we walked out of the dessert shop *with the bill still inside*
Oh god lahs! So miss Jessy paid for it.
Then I sae "next tym is my turn horh"
And she sae "Next tym your turn? You mean you gonna meet Mr Ang the next tym at about 10+ years time?!"
HAHAS. Cos Mr Ang i onii can treat after I earn money mahs.
And if i were to sae next tym I treat, means the next tym I'm gonna meet him will be
Okay then we started walking to Sogo.
They saw another college of theirs.
But their college didn't see them!
They told me that college of theirs always cannot see them when they walk pass de.
Then soon went home le.
Really look foward to the next tym we meet XPP


Monday, June 9, 2008


posted by Justin @ 10:46 PM  
Yoyo! Anyhow took 2 pictures today XDD
Will take more soon~

Hong Kong taxi so many weird stuffs yah?!?!

Was on bus. So blur zzz

Still got some wanted to post last time but cannot. Now add back ^^

Dramafest! Our room for us to use! Actually is
make up room hahas *duh! throw eggs*

Kokul!!! Sell "kachamputei!" Duno how spell XPP

Mrs 'Cao'! Super real eh? Hahas Ren Jie

Okay thats all for now luh. Didn't go out so dun have new photos yet T.T
Will have new ones coming soon! Later~


Oh This Is The Don't Know How Many QUIZ Chears!!!!

posted by Justin @ 10:08 PM  

1. Have you ever slept for more than 12hours?
-Er...let me count....Ah! Nope =.=

2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
-Hmm...Japan? Hope can see snow~!

3. What is your favourite thing to do?

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
-Well, I think you only have a problem less to think about if you have lots of it, but cannot afford happiness lah?

5. If you have one dream to come true, what will that be?
-Eh....dunno le. Almost all the dreams was mentioned ><>< hahas =.="

6. If you have chance to choose, do you still want to stay in Singapore or overseas?
-I will prefer s'pore. Sure cannot bear to apart from goodie pals de.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
-Reali precious friends..

8. If you win $1m, what will you do?
-Duno sia, but use it wisely is a duh XP

9. What do you dream of doing in the future?
-Be a Lawyer! But no confidence in speaking good english ><

10. List out your 3 idol.
-Don't have one zzz

11. What makes you happy?
-Funny stuffs and outings that I look verii foward to?

12. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

13. Do you have someone who you feel that you are giving "extra" attention to?

14. Do you like doinq quizzes?
-Go ahead and check how manii quizzes are done!

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-Friends! ^^

16. If it's the end of the world, what will it be your last wish?
-Wish that the world will have another start and have good developments.

17. If you have a chance to choose, would you want to go back in time?

18. Do you have regrets in your life?

19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person you like him or her?

20. What is the thing you crave for the most now?
-Happy times to move slower! The holidae is coming to an end oredii! T.T

Instructions: Remove one question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people at your list, list them out at the end of the post. Notify them in the chatterbox that he/she has been tagged.

8 people tagged:
Jun Yong(Ho ho you're gonna be busii!!)
Shang Ge
Guang Jun
Wei Qiang
Anii other ppl hu wan do. ^^

Sunday, June 8, 2008


posted by Justin @ 2:36 PM  
Mission from William! not the *chee bang~chee bang~* thingy tsk!

1.At what age do you want to get married?
-It's not up to me to choose XD

2.Study hard or play hard?
-Now play hard luh! WOOHOO

3.Who is the person you trust the most?
-Ahh...sec sch I would say Hao Ran loh!

4.Do you have stagefright?
-I think so.. ><'''

5.If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
-Erm.....now ah...have a better temper bro XDD

6.What is your idea of a friend?
-Will not be in good relationship with ue just for a purpose.

7.What is your goal this year?
-Be in top 10 of the class!

8.Do you believe in eternity love?

9.If you have all the time and money in the world , what would you do?
-I didn't think of it ><

10.If time were to unwind , what would you want to change?
-I would like to change....to be in Telok Kurau right in the beginning? XD

11.The person that you really love is dying, will you stay with him/her or lead a happy life alone?
-Stay with her.

12.What feelings you hate the most?

13.Do you cherish all the friendship of yours?
-Yes no maybe so ><

14.Do you believe in love at 1st sight?
-Not reali for me?

15.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-True Friendship

16.Use one word to describe yourself.

17.What do you think is important in to br a good friend?
-Erm...caring? o.o?

18.Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
-Humorous, Friendly, 'Easily affected' (you know de), CRAZY, Talkative XP

19.How many percent you think you are infront of your friends?

20.Which country do you want to visit most?
-Honestly I don't have any in mind ><

Instruction : Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question.Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them at the end of the post.Notify them at their cbox that they've been tagged.

Whoever does the tags will having blessings from all.
Jun Yong (You are shot again tsk) ^^
Guang Jun
Wei Qiang

It is perfectly fine if you are too busii to do ^^

31 questions

posted by Justin @ 12:29 PM  
From Wei Lin

The blogger who have been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about

At the end of this, you have to choose 10 person and tag them about this quiz.

1.In Hong Kong now.
2.Have a noisy bro.
3.Simply loves chatting!
4.I love blogging too!
5.Lost my old wallet and am using my bro's childish wallet zzz
6.Have a verii big appetite.(duno how to spell)
7.have a verii talkative and humorous dad =.=''
8.Beg for a colourful room instead of plain whiite zzz!
9.Oh, loves browsing for nice blogskins too.
10.Miss the past luh!


1.Who was your last text from?
-Wei Lin

2.Where was your default picture taken?
-It wasn't taken? =.=''

3.Whats your full name?
-Justin Wong Ting Chun 0.0''

4.Your current relationship status?
-No idea ><'''

5.Does your crush like your back?

6.What is your current mood?
-Sianz of my eyes zz

7.Whats your mum's name?
-Er...not allowed to say paiseh ><

8.What colour shirt are you wearing?
-Mainly yellow ^^

9.What was the last thing you drank?
-Fresh Milk

10.If you could go back in time to change something, would you?
-Er...yes luh.

11.Have a crazy side?

12.Ever had a near death experience?
-Yah. A few years ago almost drowned in water =.=''

13.Something you do alot?
-Talk and talk and talk!

14.Angry at someone?
-Not really a person =.=

15.Do you wanna see somebody now?
-Er...yah. A few people.

16.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
-Don't think havae ><

17.When was the last time you cried?
-Yesterday =.=''

18.Who would you do anything for?
-The most important ones to me.

19.Who is your idol?
-No hab zz

20.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?

21.What do you usually order from starbucks?
-If I got, it will mostly likelybe coffee or cappucino XPP

22.What's your biggest secret?
-Nah I'm not telling you since after I tell it will be a fake ans. COS IT WUN BE A SECRET ANIIMORE HAHAHAHAH

23.Favourite movie?
-Do not really have one ><

24.Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
-Depends luh..

25.What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
-Not anii at the moment ^^

26.Do you speak any other languages?
-Chinese lah, Cantonese lah, little bits of japanese and hokien XP

27.What's your favourite smell?
-Ahh...duno ==

28.Describe your life in 2 words, what would it be?
-Sometimes troublesome

29.Have you ever kissed in the rain?
-You don't wanna get sick do you?

30.Do you like rain?
-Night rain yea! Afternoon rain nah!

31.What are you thinking of now?
-What to do after this quiz is finished ><

1o people to do are:
Jun Yong
Guang Jun
Wei Qiang
Anyone else interested ^^

Saturday, June 7, 2008


posted by Justin @ 6:07 PM  
Thanks to Wei Lin!

1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
-Bro! Haiz he's so noisy sometimes!

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
-Nah. But obviously it will off when no batt XPPP

3.What happened at 10.00am today?
-Still hiding in the blanket hahas!

4.When did you last cry?
-Don't know. Sometimes wanted to but it's been so long that it feels like I forgot how to =.=''

5.What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
-Hmm...not so sure of myself. Nowadaes never use peanut butter ><

6.What do you want in your life right now?
-Out of troubles and problems in my mind!

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
-Nah. Usually I will just get drenched from head to toe XDD

8.What's you favourite thing to have on your bed?
-Eh....let's say.....a comfortable pillow XPPP

9.What bottom are you wearing now?
-Blackie shorts!

10.Whats the nicest thing in your inbox says?
-Nothing yet, since my phone was just fixed and my cool messages are gone! T.T

11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
-Nah, I've got enough problems up my head.

12.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
-Of cos not~

13.What was the last movie you last caught?
-Water horse (if i didn't rmb the name wrongly XPPP)

14.What are you proud of?
-Let's say...my funny habit to keep thinking about complicated stuffs that not many people will bother to? ><''

15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
-'Lols. Mine 15 cents meh? Reali? Aiya, anw i bought super top up too. So nehmynd xD but i shouldent hav bought it lor-.- when i using the $18 one, mani ppl sms mi until dunno wad. Now i buy this super top up, less than 5 ppl sms mi. WTH?! Lols.' Hoho so long hahs!

16.What was the last song you sent out loud?
-Yi qian nian yi hou. cux we were in karaokae *cheh*

17.Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
-Somehow? Like dustbin or justea or wadeva!

18.What does your last received text message say? Who was if from?
-Wei Lin. Oh come on I don't wanna repeat the same thing that was on question 15 ><

19.What time did you go to bed last night?
-Er..about 12+am XDD

20.Are you currently happy?
-Yea! ^^

21.Who gives you best advice?
-Don't have a fixed person de bah?

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-Nope! Later need go toilet then you know ah! joking XP

23.Who did you talk to on phone last night?
-I'm currently too "expensive" to talk to. Overseas call can never be cheap tsktsk!

24.Is anything bugging you right now?
-MY freaking HEADACHE!

25.What/Who was the last thing/person that make you laugh?
-Flashbacks. Thought of all that happened in 6ha last year...for example, Sandeep's unique way of "HUH!?"

26.Do you wear toe socks?
-I wear. NOT!. HEHES!

27.Who was the last person you missed a call from?
-Nicholas Tay

28.Have you ever had you heart broken?
-Yes.not into pieces of cos =x

29.What annoys you most in a person?
-Erm....superbly proud and thick skin and 目中无人 attitude.

30.Do you have a crush on anyone?
-Nah I dun wan be gay doo!

31.Have you ever done cocaine?

32.What is the colour of your room?
-I would want my room to be of marine blue colour and aqua blue ceiling. But too bad it's all white zzz

33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
-Siao ah...

34.Do you believe in the saying "talk in cheap"?
-Too chim for me to understand...

35.Who was the last person to lay in your bed?
-Myself of cos!

36.Who was the last person to hug you?
-My mum.

37.What if your stead is dating with your bestfriend?
-Er....Straightaway break witt her?

38.Do you have a life?
-You can see me too can't you? XPP

39.Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?
-Some occasions?

40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
-Jus find it nice? XP

41.Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
-Err...no dreams nowadays..

42.Last tym you smiled?
-A few minutes ago XDD

43.Have you changed this year?
-Think so?

44.What are you listening to now?
-Music with my family chit-chatting outside =.=''

45.Are you talking to someone when you are doing this?
-Nope! Everyone is still outside watching tv while taking dinner XP

46.Do you walk with you eyes open or close?
-Neither! I walk with my eyes blinking at times XPPPP

47.Is there a quote you live by?
-How does it counted as quote? I'll say...you treat people how you want people to treat you? XP

48.Do you want someone you can't have?
Yes no maybe so.

49.Have you ever played an instrument?

50.What was the worst idea you've had in week?
-Eh.... dun have anii ><

51.What were you doing last night at 11.00om?
-Playing poker cards XPP

52.Are you happy with your love life right now?
-So~so luh?

53.What song describe your love life?
-Eh....dunno anii ==

54.Does the person know that you like him/her?
-You guess loh?

55.Who always make you laugh?
-Who ah...hmm..sin s'pore my fone do. Now my dad do!

56.Do you speak other languages other than English?
-Yes~Like chinese, cantonese. A bit of Japanese and Hokien!

57.Are you blond?

58.What's your middle name?
-Ahh..my name don't have a middle ==

59.What are you doing tomorrow?
-Not much idea yet...

60.What do you think you are like?
-Super talkative XP

61.Who will you choose to die with?
-I don't want to pull anyone with me.

62.Where have you been today?
-Market XDD

63.What games do you play often?
-No games to play liaos zzz

64.Who are you missing right now?
-The happy times in 2007..

65.What is it that you are living for?...
-Hmm...currently, don't really have a really comfirm ans, but I'm sure I will find it..

66.What are doing right now?
-This survey loh^^

67.Which primary sch were you from?
-Telok Kurau Primary School!! ^^

68.Name 3 colours you like.
-Blue, Silver, Green. =)

69.What emotions you like to show?
-Erm...try to be happy looking all the time luh? XD

70.What is life to you?
-A journey of learning and understanding I suppose?...

71.if you have something troubling you, what will you do?
-Try to solve it? >.<

72.Who did you last chat with in msn today?
-Wei Lin

73.Who do you admire the most?
-Don't really have one ><

74.Which month are you born in?

75.What is the time now?
-08.45 pm

76.How are you feeling right now?
-Very normal XDD

77.Where are you now?
-At home~

78.What colour did you use to dye hair?
-Black. Ya ue noe wad I mean riite XD Not cos i have whiite hair lah!

79.Why are you doing this test?
-Simply gotten quiizy!

80.What do you do when you are moody?
-The worse thing yet the best option was shouting to the highway and took barks that dropped off from the tree and swing it at the lampost til tired ==

81.At which age you wish to get married?
-Not up to me do decide de mahs!

82.Who is more important to you? Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Friends?

83.Do you think you have confidence?
-Sometimes? XPP

84.Who is the person you trust the most?
-Er...got quiite a few of them.

85.If you had only one day left to live, what would you do?
-Do whatever I can for loved ones?

86.If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
-Every precious friends of mine to be happy.

87.What is your goal for this year?
-Be in top 10 of the class!

88.Don't have this question ==

89.What feeling do you love most?
-Er...peace luh.

90.Do you think it's really Global Warming now?
-Duh? Hahas.

91.What feeling you hate the most?
-Being hate or betrayed others.

92.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
-almost every luh...

93.Do you believe in god?
-I only say "Oh my god" though I dun think there is anyy god ya? hahs!

94.Who cares for you the most?
-My dad and mum. Some other friends too luh!

95.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

96.What'll you bring when you fight?
-My mouth to try and talk sense for stopping e fight.

97.What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
-Er...not study well?

98.What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
-Super duper sad?

99.What if your stead two-timed you?

100.Love with a guarantee of heartbreak, or never to be loved at all?
-Love with a guarantee of heartbreak?...

Instructions: Remove 1 question from the above add in your personal question, and bold it. Next, list 10 people whom you would want them to do this, at the end of the post. Notify them in their tagboard that he/she has been tagged/Pm them at msn.

Who I want to do are,
:Jun Yong
And anyone who is interested to do this 100 questions. Ah no, 99 XDD

posted by Justin @ 11:31 AM  
Good morning!
Here to post about few days ago went karaokae XPP
Was fun! Inside got WII =.=''
Then my bro saw it drool le lohs zzz
Ya then in the end I played witt him for quiite long!
At first we played bowling. Hahas 1st few rounds he lost.
Then he started winning the rest.
Not nice one he aniihow throw lor.
Then the screen show that the whole ball flew up then drop down,
but the ball still can roll damn straight.
After bowling we played baseball!
hahas in the 1st game both of us keep swinging like idiots cannot hit the ball!
Then realise that the timing is wrong. But my bro didn't know HEHEHEHE
So I kept winning then he bui song liaos!
Then I dunwan plae le.
Go sing!
Then my bro sing wrong tune!
Cux he duno the tune ==
Although some songs were wanted by him.
Then we jus kept singing lah~
Suddenly got one song is like...not a song liidat.
Just that a pig is singing the song!
Wow and my bro 'sang' too.
He might just be that song's next singer *giggle*
Joking lahs XP
Okay gonna go tag le~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another quiz!

posted by Justin @ 10:25 PM  
Madam's quiz!


Name 20 people.
At the end of the survey, choose any 5 to do the quiz.
Don't read the questions, name the 20 people first.

1.Guang Jun
2.Jun Yong
3.Wei Lin
5.Wei Qiang
7.Zi Hao
8.Jia Li
12.An Ting
14.Nicholas Tay
15.Shang Ge
18.Kai Boon
20.Jonathan Hoong


1.How did you meet 12?
An Ting-From the same Primary School!

2.What language does number 15 speak?
Erm...chinese and english only I supposed XPP

3.What is number 9 hanging around with?
Sandeep-Eh no idea sia ><

4.How old is number 16 this year?
Evangeline-13 now~

5.When was the last time you spoke number 13?
Wei Qiang-ah....a few daes ago on MSN XDDD

6.Who is number 2's favourite singer?
Jun Yong-He might just like gundam seed destiny or D Gray Man songs XPP

7.Have you ever dated number 4?
Adeline-Nope! Of cas not!

8.Would you date with number 1?
Guang Jun-No luh! We are guys doo! XPP

9.Is number 19 single now?
Zoey-Ah....soooorrrrrry no idea either =.=''

10.What is the full name of number 10?
Meredith-Dammit! I dunno her full name! AHH!! Later go ask her tsktsk!

11.Would you get in a relationship with number 11?
Aaron-Of cos! Good frens relationship! Hahas!

12.What is the school of number 3?
Wei Lin-Anglican High School~

13.Where does number 6 stays?

14.What is your favourite thing about number 5?
Wei Qiang-Hmm.....very easy-going? XPP

15.Have you seen number 2 naked?
Jun Yong-No. I won't be even be able to get a step near his house hahas!

Name 5 people to do the survey.
-Jun Yong
-Guang Jun
-Wei Lin
-Jia Li
-An Ting

Others wan do, pls go ahead! ^^

Monday, June 2, 2008


posted by Justin @ 10:35 PM  
Wei Lin's quiz

beep beep! Start!

1.At what age do you want to get married?
Hmm....no fixed age de mahs?

2.Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girl friend?

3.Who is the person you trust the most?
Hmm...ahh...let's say in VS lah...Hao Ran luh! ^^

4.Do you think that you have enough confidence?
Sometimes? XP

5.If you can have a dream come true, what is it?
By the latest update, it will be to have a more peaveful family ><>
Nah! Save for handsomes and preeties!

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Of coz!

7.What is your goal in life?
Be in top 10 in class!

8.Do you believe in eternity love?
Not at this age..XP

9.Have you broken someone's heart so much that he/she tried to commit suicide?

10.What feeling do you like the most?

11.Do you believe in true love?
Ah...no confident in judging boud it luh!

12.What feeling do you hate the most?
Being lonely!

13.Do you cherish every frenship of yours?
Ah...most of them^^

14.Do you believe in god?
Sorry not really...

15.What is your favourite colour?
Mainly bluish and greenish~

16.What do you hope to be always there for you?
Hope and faith in someone

17.Who are your best friends?
Best friends ahh...hmm, Hao Ran? Zi Hao? Sorry...cannot make it clear of myself currently. ><><''

Tag as many people as you can to do this quiz:
-These are people I hope can do too ^^
.Jun Yong
.Wei Lin

NO offence to the rest! You are invited to do too!!! Serious!!! ^^