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Emotions are part of life

Sunday, June 8, 2008

31 questions

posted by Justin @ 12:29 PM  
From Wei Lin

The blogger who have been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about

At the end of this, you have to choose 10 person and tag them about this quiz.

1.In Hong Kong now.
2.Have a noisy bro.
3.Simply loves chatting!
4.I love blogging too!
5.Lost my old wallet and am using my bro's childish wallet zzz
6.Have a verii big appetite.(duno how to spell)
7.have a verii talkative and humorous dad =.=''
8.Beg for a colourful room instead of plain whiite zzz!
9.Oh, loves browsing for nice blogskins too.
10.Miss the past luh!


1.Who was your last text from?
-Wei Lin

2.Where was your default picture taken?
-It wasn't taken? =.=''

3.Whats your full name?
-Justin Wong Ting Chun 0.0''

4.Your current relationship status?
-No idea ><'''

5.Does your crush like your back?

6.What is your current mood?
-Sianz of my eyes zz

7.Whats your mum's name?
-Er...not allowed to say paiseh ><

8.What colour shirt are you wearing?
-Mainly yellow ^^

9.What was the last thing you drank?
-Fresh Milk

10.If you could go back in time to change something, would you?
-Er...yes luh.

11.Have a crazy side?

12.Ever had a near death experience?
-Yah. A few years ago almost drowned in water =.=''

13.Something you do alot?
-Talk and talk and talk!

14.Angry at someone?
-Not really a person =.=

15.Do you wanna see somebody now?
-Er...yah. A few people.

16.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
-Don't think havae ><

17.When was the last time you cried?
-Yesterday =.=''

18.Who would you do anything for?
-The most important ones to me.

19.Who is your idol?
-No hab zz

20.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?

21.What do you usually order from starbucks?
-If I got, it will mostly likelybe coffee or cappucino XPP

22.What's your biggest secret?
-Nah I'm not telling you since after I tell it will be a fake ans. COS IT WUN BE A SECRET ANIIMORE HAHAHAHAH

23.Favourite movie?
-Do not really have one ><

24.Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
-Depends luh..

25.What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
-Not anii at the moment ^^

26.Do you speak any other languages?
-Chinese lah, Cantonese lah, little bits of japanese and hokien XP

27.What's your favourite smell?
-Ahh...duno ==

28.Describe your life in 2 words, what would it be?
-Sometimes troublesome

29.Have you ever kissed in the rain?
-You don't wanna get sick do you?

30.Do you like rain?
-Night rain yea! Afternoon rain nah!

31.What are you thinking of now?
-What to do after this quiz is finished ><

1o people to do are:
Jun Yong
Guang Jun
Wei Qiang
Anyone else interested ^^