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Emotions are part of life

Sunday, September 28, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:31 PM  
Exam is coming soon.
Good luck and jiayou. ^^
But, dun work like a nerd luh (no offence to nerds)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

posted by Justin @ 2:32 PM  
It will be a short post.
There is no mood for me to post like I'm very high.
That damn "creature"
I've got enough of him.
I'll post again when the exam is over.
Do drop by though, cos i think i will still tag ^^

Sunday, September 21, 2008

posted by Justin @ 12:57 PM  
Cannot use computer til very often (although i had nevewr done so) anymore.
Damn lah...so bored yesterday cannot play com...
Study in the noon some more...SIAN!
Okay so...wun update so much lah.
Anw learn Jiu Ge le haahs! FINALLY!!
Okay bye!
Do drop by often ^^

Monday, September 15, 2008

posted by Justin @ 8:18 PM  
Good evening!
And 1hr and 40 mins later i can say good night alrdy haahs!
Yes today finally got back my new old spectacles!
It's revived with a new frame
It's half frame hehe xD
Looks weird when I wear it though x.x
Next tym then add in the pic of the spectacle tsktsk!
Today ah.
Guess loh!
Haahs super fun.
Done cutting everything le so spent time polishing my work hehe!
And of cos, drilled holes on each piece to assemble them!
Too bad cher say nxt week then can assemble them zzz
Hahas that's the only thing interesting enough for me to post luh.
The rest, haizz, boring lah.
Autocracy and democracy.(history)
I nvr see til these 2 points in the history textbook so i left it blank ==
I stupid right haah!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

posted by Justin @ 9:44 AM  
Took the quiz from Wei Lin mei xDD
Firstly, name 10 guys.
M2-Nicholas Tay
M3-Guang Jun
M4-Wei Qiang
M8-Jonathan Hoong
M9-Chen Khang
M10-Wei Xiang
Now, name 10 girls.
F2-Wei Lin
F5-Jia Li
1. What if M8 got first in class?
Jonathan Hoong:Wow he is in the top 10 in the class anyway, not impossible haahs! [=
2. If F1 suddenly joined your cca how would you react?
Jasmin:Wait til she become a boy 1st lah. Lawls but it'll be shocking if she join o.o
3. What if M3 suddenly grew shorter/taller than you?
Guang Jun:Omg I not trying to offend ue kays..I do hope ue can grow taller n taller n taller ^^
4. If F10, out of nowhere, treated you to a meal, what would you think her secret motive is?
Evangeline:Don't think she will have any.
5. M6/F6 suddenly falls for a very unexpected person in your class [the most hated, ugly, unpopular] what would you think of him/her?
Sharon:Mei ue need a pair of spectacle. taha!
6. What if M1 was a vampire?
HaoRan:Treat him to a meal of onion tsktsk jkjk xD
7. Is M10 a gay?
Jonathan Hoong:....what you think...?
8. What if M7 raped F4?
Sandeep rape Jane:Woah siao....Sandeep's not that kind of person tsk.
9. Is F2 a lesbian?
Wei Lin:I hope not. JJ LAH MEI, of course not ;D (weilin, this ans look familiar? hahas)
10. If F8 announced that she was migrating, what would you do?
Lyn:er......wish her all the best? AIYA I DUNO since i actually duno her very well yet zzz

11. What if you never met M3/F3?
Guang Jun:Huh guess my life will not be as funny "interesting" LOL
F3:No orders from Madam lawls~

12. What if you never met F8/M8?
Lyn:I din even meet her yet. But for currently, it'll be that i lose a spamming pal taha [=
Jonathan Hoong:Erm....duno O.O

13. What if M4 contracted a diseases and would die in 2 months?
Wei Qiang:Buy him a basketball and get every1 to play tgt!

14. If M1 (for guys)/F1(for girls) was of the opposite gender instead?
HaoRan:Kick him out of VS. LAWLS JKJKJK
Jasmin:Can't imagine that =.=''

15. Name what woiuld have happen if the following dated :

-M5 & F4: Klinsmann & Jane
LOL duno sia one so "noisy" one so quiet tsktsk!

-M2 & F9: Nicholas Tay & Shanelle
(to Nick) wow see! FATE LEH!

-M10 & F7: Wei Xiang & Meredith
Don't think it might be possible...Meredith older = =

-M8 and F2: Jonathan Hoong & Wei Lin
Ala Wei Lin I will say hope ue CAN survive ==

16. What if F9(for guys)/M9(for girls) confesses to ue he/she likes you?
Not possible. She have nicholas LOL

17. Would you ever date M6(for girls) / F6(for guys) ?
Sharon:Don't think so o.o

18. Will M4 & F5 ever date?
Wei Qiang & Jia Li:Don't think so too. LOL

19. If M7 dated F1?
Sandeep and Jasmin: hoho Sandeep ue are blessed if she i willing to do so tsk!

People tagged to di this quiz:
Anyone hu read this quiz and interested to do, go ahead ^^

Friday, September 12, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:07 PM  
Just back from school!
Sian today detention.
And until our form cher is satisfied we haf to keep doing it T.T
Boring de loh...
This detention ended up to be like playing like that.
Every1 sit tgt tok, do work, play, haahs!
Quite fun actually xDD
Haahs played Limbo.
Oh and all the CO members practised the fingering of the song when i play
Feng Nian Ji and Jiu Ge taahaa!
Damn funny lah Jonah.
Spassssmmmmm o.o
Then fall off the chair LOL
Okay nth much after that.
Exchange phone with Nicholas to see inbox.
Both cleared sent messages LOL
Wa his phone al "someone", "someone" and "someone" de messages sia.
Not all lah. Most of them.
Dun angry. TSK!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

posted by Justin @ 6:57 PM  
Yoo doos!
What's down today? LAWLS
Science lesson!
Teacher damn funny.
Supposed to go lab n do experiment.
And she explained to us manii things b4 going.
Then she asked a question.
Got one guy jus shout out the ans lah.
And this was sth lyk what she said.
"Did you raise up your hand?"
"You raise up your hand to tok to me"
"Raise up your hand"
*the guy raise up his hand*
"What did you say jus now?"
The funny thing is i'm sure she heard what the guy said lah!
And she asked what did he say.
Haahs! Damn funny luh~
Okay after sch!
Went take lunch with Jeremy
Wa he bought a plate of beehoon at a surprisingly low price!
70 cents!
Tot should be one dollar loh!
cool sia.
Okay after eating went CO room le.
Sat there chat a while
Ate chocolate taha~
Saw Melvin n CK taking out the cello.
Then Calvin n i can't be bothered to.
But saw Wu Lao Shi.
*zoom, take instrument"
Then prac prac prac.
Learn abit more about "Jiu Ge" lerhs hehes~
Still not completed zzz
Want 2 finish learning soon xDDD
Band got prac at the level below us.
Then they clap clap clap duno for wad and interrupted our prac.
Then some of us go clap oso LAWLS!
Melvin go "scream" diaos!
Haahs damn fun lah
The last few moment was all slack de loh
Hahas okay day ended le
Sian tmr needa make up for detention zz

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:07 PM  
Here I am secretly using com again @.@
This week is so "lucky" LAWLS!
Hahas okay.
Actually, nothing special loh.
History lesson were taught of....
I forgot T.T
Science(biology) haahs cfm laugh wan
Reason is a secret XDDDDDDD
But lesson ah, *faint*
And the teacher is so naggy and long winded (Like Colin Tan)
Eat into our recess GRR
Maths lesson is as usual luh [=
Listening to explanation, trying new problems, okok loh zzz
Haahs cos of our good behaviour and we file in everything,
She is bringing us to AVA room and watch....!!!
Animal Farm. LAWLS!
At 1st tot might be quiite nice.
But in the end find it verii much in difference from the book.
Content a bit rush.
Blur blur zzz
Halfway Mrs Lim came in.
Woah sia lah!
Using phone siaa scary = =
Quiite a few peeps are using taha!
Smsing LOL
Soon ended le lah.
Mrs Lim came in collect the donation cards onii LOL
okay and then came home loh.
Felt damn tired n feverish
So took temperature
37.9 zzz
Quickly go sleep awhile.
Then no fever le.
But still verii tired.
And next,
I'm here posting loh!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

posted by Justin @ 2:30 PM  
Having a quick post haahs about ytd xD
Secretly use com again, of cos hehe ><
I love DNT lessons currently!! (and only) xP
We are at the workshop cutting out our designed mobile from acrylics! (duno how spell)
Got lots and lots of diff tool in the workshop.
Damn fun loh!
It is not a place for playing though hahaax =P
But is really fun working on our work with those tools lah.
Buffling and erm...duno how to spell again.
Sth lykk sanding? Haahs! XD
My mobile is about to be done le [=
What is left to be done is to drill the holes and tie them up accordingly to the design ^^
Woohoo! Can't wait to see the complete mobile hehes!! (=

Sunday, September 7, 2008

posted by Justin @ 5:09 PM  
Sounds spooky....?
No right.....
Today stayed at home for the whole day again T.T
So bored lahs...
And today is the last day of the one-week holiday!!
So fast over le...
Almost everyday oso doing the same thing.
Haahs sometimes really boring sia..
No games to play de.
Okay lah cannot say dun haf.
Is my laptop too laggy to play zzz
Ben Dan com xDD
Haiz forget it.
At least had some rest over the holiday.
No need always wake up early in the morning.
But also can say i din haf enough rest lah!
My bro mon to fri morning need go sch.
He needa wake up by around 6+ am
And I m always waken up by the freaking noisy sound grr!
Okay that nvm
What matters is my guardian go off the air-con (WTH)
After a while,
Then I purposely walk out of the room pretend wan go toilet.
Then I "peep" at her room.
Only she sleeping.
Her husband left for work.
And her room de air-con is on.
I cannot sleep and she gets to.
What kind of logic is this?
Idiotic loh!
Anyway, sch reopening le.*duh*
Good luck and hope everyone haf a good term ^^

Saturday, September 6, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:57 PM  
HolyQuiz from the quizzy nicholas tay


-Are you left or right handed?

-Ever removed anything from your body?
Teeth! xD

-Last heavy item you lifted?
Let me think....guess the my bass XP

-Ever been knocked out?
Yea. I feel lyk it when noe night I was having a super bad tummyache =.= CO.OL eh? LOL jk


-If it were possible, would you want others to know when you would die?
Nah. What for?

-If you could change your name, what would it be?
Nameless Freak [=

-What colour do you think looks best on you?
White since I am "not fair" tsk! Not racies kay. ^^

-Ever swallowed a non-food item?
Yah. I was yawning n a small piece of paper "flew" in once ><


-Would you kiss a person of the same sex for $100?
Definitely not. That sponsor is wating money.

-Would you cut off your little finger for $200,000?
Of cos not, I love it. LOL

-Would you stop blogging forever for $50,000?
NAH! It's part of my life. xD

-Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I dun wan the risk of losing my sense of taste seh. Or even making my lips look like I applied lipstick haahs! :D

-Would you, without the fear of punishment, take a human life for a million bucks?
Depends on who to kill loh. LAWLS JOKING LAH!


-What is in your left pocket?
Nothing xD

-Is Napoleon Dynamite a good movie?
It's a bad pig. xDDD

-Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
I have tiles! *throw eggs*

-Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Stand. If sit, the tortoise might bite o.o

-How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
One ^^


-The last person who texted you is?

-Last person who called you is?
Weilin meii

-Last person you hugged is?
Ahh my mum 2 months ago tsk! (=


-Missing someone?
Yah. Missing my audii character keke xPP

Nothing better to do haaahh! [=

-Listening to?
My blog song and sound from the tea-v. LOL

Whatever that ue are seeing now ^^

-Worrying about?
Sch O.o

Home clothes.


-First place you went this morning?
Toilet [=

-What can you not wait to do?
Go to a place ^^

-Smile often?
Nah. Unless I am crazy to face the mirror and start laughing like no one cares. xD

-Are you a friendly person?
That's not up to me to say. ^^

Right...done with this.
I find this quiz a bit too troublesome cos when i copied and pasted,
everything are in a mess.
Have to break them up bit by bit.
So not going to choose aniione to do it.
But anyone interested, PLEASE DO ^^

posted by Justin @ 2:37 PM  
Back from this week Sat's CO prac!
Tiring sia holidae still needa go back!!
Forget it~
It's over...
So fast sia...is the holidae short!!
Haiz aniiwae today prac Feng Nian Ji 1st.
Haahs some changed were made but it is easier now muahahah [=
But it's just a little bit easier!
The problem "jump" out now.
Got new song le!! )=
Hard sia!
Jus got the score today then need to try playing all tgt liaos
Was in a mess lah ><
Then cello&bass section every1 hack care alrdy.
When we lost, we haf a few choices.
3.Act pro and play a part of FengNianJi to disguise.
Cool right ==
Dun learn ah xDD
Damn funny.
Then when the conductor taught us how to play,
and we mangaed to play it and we were all lyk acting:
Made so much noise. ><
B4 dismissal chairman nag luh xP
Say got some sections duno how to play nvm shld keep quiet.
Still make so much noise. ><''
Hehes ue noe hu lahs Tsk! xDD
Aniiwae, that's all for now o.o
See yahs~~

Friday, September 5, 2008

posted by Justin @ 4:03 PM  
Okay maybe I'm not so bored now....
Nah jus joking..
Klinsmann haf the chicken wing though haahs

posted by Justin @ 3:33 PM  
Haiz so bored at home!!!
Feel like going out but haf nowhere to go zzz
So, I got mimi in and took 2 photos of it!
Wanted to post it but found that it was too dark T.T
Maybe next time when I get some cool and brighter pics? ah has!
AHH wan play audition but no tym larhs...
Too busy to go LAN
House laptop so !&(#*$$&!@*# lag in 3D games zz

Thursday, September 4, 2008

posted by Justin @ 7:01 PM  
1. The person who tag/pass you is?
Nicholas Tay ^^

2. Your relationship with him/her?
VS good pal!!

3. Your impression of him/her?
Hoho, joker. Haahs!

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Crack jokes haahs!!

6. If he/she became your lover, you will?
I? Become gay loh. Lawls joking. That will never happen!

7.If he/she became your lover, he/she has to improve on?
No answer sorry loh. If i haf to ans, i would sae he is perfect(if i m gay) lawls

8. If he/she became your enemy, you will?
Try and be frens again. Better than being enemies eh? haahs

9. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?
Offend me in aniiwae. And is seriously.

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Ehm, crack funny jokes to inspire him. LAWLS

11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
Cheerful and humorous!

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?

13. The characters you love of yourself are?
Eh, talkative XD

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?
Impatient with my brother zzz

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
Someone enjoying life tsk!

16. For people who care and like you, say something for them.
Arigato! ^^

17. Pass this quiz to the first 10 person that you can think of, how they feel about you.

10 persons are :
Guang Jun xD
Wei Lin xD
Adeline xD
Jasmin xD
Aaron xD
Klinsmann xD
Tebbeh xD
Sharon xD
Meredith xD

posted by Justin @ 6:48 PM  
I am smarter than 55.17% of the rest of the world.
Intelligence Test

posted by Justin @ 5:37 PM  
Back from today's CO prac xD
Haha today is the best prac mann!
Oh no no, should be one of the best!
*Specially "written" for a sarcastic...erm..creature*
Guy tio meh so manii tyms!
Haahs act pro somemore lah!
Think ue verii big ah?!
Huo gai ah tell ue.
Say wad "Noob lah Justin"
Look who's spitting the filthy saliva there kay!
Dun even noe how to plae properly.
Find excuses defend yrself somemore
Want find oso duno how find properly.
Break given we aren't late wad.
When we walk back from hostel after eating some snacks,
you still standing at the 1st floor looking at the board.
Noe you verii "ding tei" lah put he girlish pose somemore.
See us then "Chiong up"
Cannot run ue not scared ue roll down the stairs ah?
Harm the environment leh, ue reach 1st floor earthquake ah.
Lucky ue din fall.
And when we reach 4th floor no need sit there and cross your arms.
We wun bother to look lohs.
And why ue call us losers?
Jus cux ue reach faster ah?
Duno hu is the loser speaking there.
Nice speech isn't it?
Jus joking ^^
Okay stop here
See yahs~~

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

posted by Justin @ 2:30 PM  
Gd afternoon!!!
Yesterdae come back so late liaos cnt use com = =
My jeans all sand ah!
And it is sexy brown. LAWLS!!
Anyway, went out with Kinsmann, Aaron, Ck, Adeline, Weilin mei, and Jane.
This Aaron, so gonna throw his phone man!
I smsed him that meeting time is changed to 11.30.
Guess what?!!?
He nvr on his phone.
Lucky we too bored n went up look for him.
If not he realii come down by 12 LAWLS
Okay after we walked back to Kopitiam,
proceeded to the bus stop.
Do wad you ask?
Take bus lah!
Wait so long sia.
Reached there at about....12 43.
Klins on the bus keep saeing "yao dao le, yao dao le"
Radio spoil ah.
Okay and ended up reaching there late by...eh....2 min = =
Then at the queue that tym keep toking boud wad movie.
And Klins&Aaron started with scissors paper stone -.-''
Siao siao siao
Aniiwae still watched wall-e hahas!
Enjoyed it lah.
Too long nvr catch aniiwa movie ahha
Cute sia!
Adeline bomb the floor with popcorn.
Okae keep lawling.
Mind me ah
= =
Okae back here
After movie go cycling woohoo!!
Cos rained so I scared will fall down ><
And it ended up that Aaron, Ck and Adeline fell.
Reason for Aaron to fall - Keep speeding, heckcare LAWL
Reason for Ck to fall - I didn't see it. But his bike chain even dropped out = =
Reason for Adeline to fall - Stopped at one part of the cycling path. Then got one puddle of water. She loved cycling there cos she feels that it feels cool. And after many many rounds that she cycled there, *splash*
okay return bike lerhs!
Tada! Breaking news~!
It was found out that a boy name Chen Khang had his wallet missing!
Terrible isn't it?
Luckily, his ez-link card is safe.
Whew isn't it?
He felt depressed.
Expected as there are 10 "bugs" inside, ISN'T IT?
Jessie reporting, channelnews...
*SHUT UP!!!*
You took my speech!
Next was to the beach!!
Ah has so fun sia!
Kepe digging here n there.
Got water *obviously*
My coolest "trip" to the beach ever!
Found a living fish!
A living Starfish!
Wad a fish!!!
= =
The fish found was later found out that it can't live in salt water
After we ppl kepe throwing it back to the sea, which is saltwater!
Lawls instead of saving it we are killing it
Aniiwae 2 malay took it lah.
Hope it's okae
Not sold.
As for the starfish,
reali cool
Flip over by its;elf!
Observed it in Adeline's creation
A pool known as the "leaf garden"
It's nice.
The starfish slept well there i guess? hahaha!
Soon the day ended after we washed up.
Went eat at food junction
Aniiwae it wasn't as fun lah.
GJ and WQ these 2 sexy ones not here
Joking. is attractive ones