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Emotions are part of life

Saturday, September 6, 2008

posted by Justin @ 3:57 PM  
HolyQuiz from the quizzy nicholas tay


-Are you left or right handed?

-Ever removed anything from your body?
Teeth! xD

-Last heavy item you lifted?
Let me think....guess the my bass XP

-Ever been knocked out?
Yea. I feel lyk it when noe night I was having a super bad tummyache =.= CO.OL eh? LOL jk


-If it were possible, would you want others to know when you would die?
Nah. What for?

-If you could change your name, what would it be?
Nameless Freak [=

-What colour do you think looks best on you?
White since I am "not fair" tsk! Not racies kay. ^^

-Ever swallowed a non-food item?
Yah. I was yawning n a small piece of paper "flew" in once ><


-Would you kiss a person of the same sex for $100?
Definitely not. That sponsor is wating money.

-Would you cut off your little finger for $200,000?
Of cos not, I love it. LOL

-Would you stop blogging forever for $50,000?
NAH! It's part of my life. xD

-Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I dun wan the risk of losing my sense of taste seh. Or even making my lips look like I applied lipstick haahs! :D

-Would you, without the fear of punishment, take a human life for a million bucks?
Depends on who to kill loh. LAWLS JOKING LAH!


-What is in your left pocket?
Nothing xD

-Is Napoleon Dynamite a good movie?
It's a bad pig. xDDD

-Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
I have tiles! *throw eggs*

-Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Stand. If sit, the tortoise might bite o.o

-How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
One ^^


-The last person who texted you is?

-Last person who called you is?
Weilin meii

-Last person you hugged is?
Ahh my mum 2 months ago tsk! (=


-Missing someone?
Yah. Missing my audii character keke xPP

Nothing better to do haaahh! [=

-Listening to?
My blog song and sound from the tea-v. LOL

Whatever that ue are seeing now ^^

-Worrying about?
Sch O.o

Home clothes.


-First place you went this morning?
Toilet [=

-What can you not wait to do?
Go to a place ^^

-Smile often?
Nah. Unless I am crazy to face the mirror and start laughing like no one cares. xD

-Are you a friendly person?
That's not up to me to say. ^^

Right...done with this.
I find this quiz a bit too troublesome cos when i copied and pasted,
everything are in a mess.
Have to break them up bit by bit.
So not going to choose aniione to do it.
But anyone interested, PLEASE DO ^^